
A Dictionary Story - Especies de Espacios

"Initially a Dictionary Story started as a short narrative in which certain words from the dictionary became living characters that met each other –

'Spring's next victim was Lawless who was rejoicing in being knocked away from such a boring neighbour as Lawful. Lawless landed straight on top of Lawn which suddenly became very unruly. After some time Lawn was no longer and in its place sat Jungle, happily spreading its creepers across the page.'

From exploring the meaning in writing it was then applied it to its design. As I came to set the type I realised, by creating two columns, you could have the story running in one whilst the definitions of the words made images in the other."

Podem ver e ler o livro em dictionarystory.blogspot.com e ver um vídeo sobre o projecto aqui. Este projecto fez-me lembrar um dos míticos livros englobados na lista de leitura aconselhada do primeiro ano de arquitectura: "Espèces d'espaces" do autor francês Georges Perec (disponível para leitura online em castelhano) . Uma bela lição sobre a vivência do espaço.

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